• HU


Dear Guests,

Our trip to Marczibányi Square will end soon, 2021. We look forward to seeing you again from August 27th on Mureş Street! On +36 1 356 3565 and a mezzo@mezzo-restaurant.hu We are waiting for your application by e-mail to inquire about a table reservation or event.


To book a table online, please fill in the fields below. The data will be recorded by our system and we will send a confirmation email to the address provided that day. If we are unable to provide you with a booking, we will try to reach you by email or telephone for further consultation.

In addition to cash, the restaurant also accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express (Amex) credit cards, the Széchenyi Card and the Elizabeth voucher.

Book a table
Contact Details
Title: 1122 Budapest, Maros utca 28.
Phone number: +36 1 356 3565
E-mail address: mezzo@mezzorestaurant.hu
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday
12: 00-22: 00
12: 00-21: 00

Napi ajánlat

Fokhagyma krémleves 2.400,-
Spenótfőzelék dupla tükörtojással 3.600,-
Velencei borjúmáj petrezselymes burgonyával 5.400,-
Csirkepaprikás galuskával 5.200,-
Töltött cukkíni jázmin rizzsel

Vöröstonhal steak szezámbundában pak choi-jal, grillezett ananásszal 7.800,-
Fokhagymás tejfölben pácolt csirkecomb filé rántva osztrák burgonyasalátával 5.200,-
Somlói galuska 2.600,-
Május 15. szerda